Lap Band Removal
A gastric band can be a helpful tool for portion control as you’re trying to lose weight, but up to half of all patients experience complications from their gastric bands. If you experience problems, or your gastric band hasn’t helped you lose weight, Scott Stowers, DO, can perform laparoscopic gastric band removal or revision at The Bariatric Experts™ in Frisco, Abilene, and Denton, Texas. To see if you’re a good candidate for gastric band removal, book a consultation with Scott Stowers, DO, by calling The Bariatric Experts™ in Denton, Texas, or booking online today.
What is gastric band removal?
Gastric band removal is a surgery to remove a lap band from your body when it causes issues.
A lap band, or laparoscopic adjustable gastric band, is a flexible loop that a bariatric surgeon places around the top portion of your stomach during laparoscopic surgery. You can tighten your lap band by adding saline to expand its girth.
When you tighten your lap band, it reduces your stomach’s size so it can hold a smaller volume of food. This makes you feel full more quickly, so you don’t overeat, and it can help you learn to eat smaller portions so you can lose weight more easily.
Sometimes, a gastric band causes complications or doesn’t provide the results you want to see. If you have complications resulting from your gastric band, you can discuss gastric band removal surgery with Dr. Stowers and the team at The Bariatric Experts™.
During gastric band removal surgery, Dr. Stowers uses small incisions with a laparoscope to access your stomach. He starts by cutting away the capsule of scar tissue your body has formed around the band, then removes the lap band as well as the saline tube and port. This procedure usually takes around 30 minutes.
When is gastric band removal necessary?
Gastric band removal isn’t necessary for everyone with a gastric band, but it can help patients who experience complications related to their gastric band, or for patients who have already reached their weight loss goals.
Will I regain the weight after gastric band removal?
If you choose to undergo gastric band removal without revision, your stomach will return to its original size. As long as you continue to eat healthy foods in reasonable portion sizes and maintain other good habits like regular exercise, you should be able to keep the weight off that you lost while using your gastric band.
However, it’s important to note that you’ll likely notice that you have a larger appetite after Dr. Stowers removes the band. If you’re concerned about regaining the weight, you should talk to Dr. Stowers about other surgical intervention options.
If your gastric band causes complications or hasn’t been effective as part of your weight loss plan, call The Bariatric Experts™ or schedule your consultation for gastric band removal online today.

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