Patient Transformations


Gina Maxwell

Procedure: Gastric Sleeve

Total Weight Loss: 45 lbs

I was type 2 diabetic and had high blood pressure. My body hurt all the time. I was unable to play with my grandchildren the way I wanted to. Also I was very insecure about my body and it affected my intimacy with my husband. I waited 4 years considering surgery. I wanted it and I wanted it done immediately bury my husband had heard “horror stories” and was totally against it. I was not obedient in my marriage and let’s just say I threw a fit!! I told him I was doing the surgery with or without his support but if one door closes I would not mention it again. Called insurance and was immediately told there was an exclusion and they would not pay. I prayed about it privately for 4 years and finally broke one day and sat in front of him and poured my heart out to him just how miserable in my own skin I truly was. He said go for consult. I agreed to of course, but only if he would go with me, so he agreed. His concerns were put to rest and he agreed to finally support me with my decision. The staff was amazing. I never left an appointment with any questions and felt like I was part of a new family. They are all so extremely compassionate and informative and genuinely care about my health and the health of all their patients. I feel I have my life back. Body, mind and soul. I am able to play with my grandchildren now!! I’ve been married for 20 years now and this surgery and weight loss has given me my confidence back and intimacy with my husband.

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