Patient Transformations


Clarisa Sunnenberg

Procedure: Gastric Sleeve

Total Weight Loss: 104 lbs

My weight stopped me from doing EVERYTHING, Yes I was still working full-time and was able to “function” but barely. At the end of the day walking or waddling out to the parking lot…I would barely make it without tears. My knees would hurt so bad from the full day of work. I wasn’t able to do hardly anything with my family, I was so tired all of the time, my body hurt all the time and I was only getting 3-4 hours of sleep. My biggest frustration was not taking pictures with my kids, I absolutely HATED having my picture taken because I looked so unhealthy and was so ashamed of what I let myself turn into. The medical problems that I had at my heaviest weight were high blood pressure, acid reflux, knee pain and back pain. I met Dr. Stowers two weeks before he did my surgery. I was originally scheduled with another doctor from another practice and was told by someone I work with that I REALLY needed to make an appointment with Dr. Stowers. I met with him and let me tell you, I left that afternoon crying because I was so happy. They gave me so much information, they took their time with me and made sure I had all my questions answered. That is why the tears started falling…the only information I had from the other doctor was from looking on the internet. I am a year out and every appointment has been the best experience. Everyone at The Bariatric Experts has been so helpful and made me feel like family. I LOVE TAKING PICTURES! Now I am always asking for them and I think my husband and kids are sick of it!

It’s the small things. I can actually sit on the floor and play with my granddaughter and almost every time my son sees me he picks me up and whirls me around! I go to the gym 4-5 times a week. I no longer have to look at the weight limit on things I buy or think thoughts like: Am I going to be able to fit in there? Is this going to hold me up without breaking? Honestly there is so much I can do now…and I’m loving it!

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