Patient Transformations


Cindy McManaway

Procedure: Gastric Sleeve

Total Weight Loss: 93 lbs

Before my weight loss surgery, I suffered from a lot of medical issues…I had a thyroid cancer, I was prediabetic, my knees were in pretty bad shape, and I had no energy at all. I was always tired and my confidence and self-esteem levels were very low.I was considering the surgery for about three years. A good friend of mine and a few family members had the surgery and I noticed how amazing their weight loss journey was and how it had changed their lives. That’s when I decided that it was my turn! From the first initial visit, until now everybody has been so helpful and so encouraging. When I met Dr. Stowers for the first time I felt very comfortable and he answered all my questions and concerns. That gave me even more will power to move forward with this surgery. I could name several things that I have changed for me after surgery…but one of the main things is being able to put my shoes on without having to gasp for air!! Another big thing is being able to go through my day without feeling the need for a nap.

I AM FULL OF ENERGY! I love being able to shop for clothes and not be ashamed of what I used to see in the mirror. Just getting my confidence level back is an amazing feeling.

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