Patient Transformations


Lauren Quarrington

Procedure: Gastric Sleeve

Total Weight Loss: 87 lbs

Before surgery I hated myself. The way I looked. The way I felt. I didn’t have the energy or motivation to clean, play with my kids, get out and go places or anything. I felt disappointed in myself for getting to where I was. I had a fake smile and faked being happy. I was on anti-depressants and was on the verge of being on cholesterol and high blood pressure meds. I had thought about going to Mexico for about a year before I heard about The Bariatric Experts. I got in touch with them and within 2 months had my surgery scheduled! I was so excited to finally take a step for me!

The Bariatric Expert team was more than amazing! They were there for me every step of the way and held my hand when needed! I wouldn’t change choosing them for anything!!

My favorite thing after weight loss is being able to be picked up by my husband and it not hurt. I love that my body doesn’t ache anymore and I have the motivation to do things. I now like how I look in clothes and want to go shopping! I can easily try things on in store and from the regular section not plus sized!!

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