Patient Transformations


Dustin Roensch

Procedure: Gastric Sleeve

Total Weight Loss: 131.8 lbs

Before I had the weight loss surgery, I had zero confidence, zero self-love, and embarrassment anytime I was brought into a social environment (and with having school-age children that was often. I was always frustrated because I would tell myself that I could lose the weight on my own and that “this would be my last drive-through” or “one more Sleeve of cookies isn’t going to change anything.” I did it to a point where I finally accepted that I would always be this way and that was frustrating on its own. I let myself get to a point of high blood pressure, pre-diabetes, sleep apnea, and constant joint/foot pain. It was a never-ending cycle of doctor appointments and meds to take care of the symptoms from the other meds.

I kept putting off the decision for weight loss surgery for a number of years, partly because of money, but also because to me I thought I was giving up, like I was sure I would never have the willpower to lose the weight. One night I went to the emergency room because I was having chest pains, dizziness, and numbness in my arms. After working in a trauma center I knew the signs. I thought “This is it. 34 years old with 4 kids and my first daughter on the way and I’m going to die.” It was the moment the ekg showed it wasn’t a heart attack, but a clot that dislodged that I knew I couldn’t do this anymore. I needed to do something with/for myself. It was time.

The Bariatric Experts are by far the best team of health experts I have ever been associated with. They are attentive, compassionate, and quick to respond when you need help. I needed post-surgery help and I called the office after hours on a weekend and I was given directions on what to do within 5 minutes. I will always be thankful for these ladies and gentlemen. Life after weight loss surgery is so incredibly different. I have been the “fat” guy in the room for my whole life. Now I honestly feel “normal” in a room full of people. My internal hatred of myself has left. I am proud of who I am now. I can now love people better because I can now love myself.

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