Patient Transformations


Rachel Baugus

Procedure: Gastric Sleeve

Total Weight Loss: 151 lbs

Before weight loss surgery, I was miserable. I was so insecure and I hated my body. Every bone and muscle in my body hurt constantly from the excess weight. My mental and physical health were at rock bottom.

I thought about weight loss surgery for about 3 years before having it. But I constantly heard people say it was the easy way out, it was lazy, I could lose weight without surgery, etc. On the other hand, I had people tell me to get it because I’d lose so much weight and “look better”. I didn’t want to do it for other people. Or because someone told me to, so I didn’t.

One day, I just said to myself, something has to change. I want kids, I want to be able to do things that I cannot currently do so something has to change. And I finally had the mindset and motivation to make it happen.

I found my “why”, and decided surgery was my “how”.

From day one working with this team, it felt like family. I didn’t feel like I was walking into a doctor’s office, I felt like I was going to visit family, who had my best interest in mind. I remember walking to the room with Ellea and talking to her and it just seemed like we had known each other forever. The first time I met Dr. Stowers I was terrified. I had seen all the TV shows of the surgeon being aggressive and almost condescending. But from the moment Doc walked into the room, I could just tell how much he genuinely cared.

After surgery, everyone followed up and made sure I was okay. This team helped me get my life back.

I could write a book on things that I can do now that I couldn’t before. Sit with my legs crossed, fit in a booth, shop for clothes at a regular store, walk through the store without having to take breaks, and fit in the stall in a public bathroom without using the handicap bathroom. The list is endless. The thing I love most after surgery is my mental health. My newfound love of life. My ability to go out with friends without being scared I can’t do the things they do.

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