Patient Transformations


Angela Palin

Procedure: Gastric Sleeve

Total Weight Loss: 170 lbs

I was miserable. It was painful to walk. I hated going shopping and squeezing through racks of clothes. My kids loved going to Six Flags and I would end up getting too hot and end up sitting on the benches waiting for them…I waited about 10 years before I made the decision to go for it. I watched so many people have the surgery, but I was convinced I could do it on my own…trying over and over but ending up gaining more weight back. The team was so supportive and inspiring from day one! Now I love working out! I have a peloton and I have developed a love for being active. I am 4 years post-op and when my family goes to six flags I am the one dragging them on all the rides with me!

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