Patient Transformations


Connie Roberts

Procedure: Gastric Sleeve

Total Weight Loss: 50 lbs

Prior to surgery I had acquired Type 2 Diabetes, high lipids, and back problems. It was difficult to walk distances and climb bleachers for my grandkids sporting events. I couldn’t tolerate heat and didn’t attend many outdoor events.

It took me a couple of years to decide to do the Sleeve procedure. I was very concerned about my age, the reviews and problems I was seeing, and whether I was a good candidate. I finally settled on and researched Dr. Stowers and what he offered for patient education and support. That’s when I gained complete confidence in this team of Experts!

I couldn’t have more comfort in the knowledge and support of this team. The handouts, the pre-surgery class and post-surgery support have been excellent. I have had no surprises since. They are so very thorough in what I should expect and what they expect from me as their patient.

I feel like I am gaining strength and ability every day! I can go right up bleachers and walk the long distances from parking as needed for sports or shopping! I love knowing “I Can” instead of worrying “Can I?”.

I am no longer diabetic, no longer have high blood pressure, and am off those medications. To date I am down 46 pounds from my heaviest weight!

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