Patient Transformations


Jimi Frasher

Procedure: Gastric Sleeve

Total Weight Loss: 124 lbs

My life before weight loss surgery was miserable. I tried to hide my depression from being overweight, but there is nothing worse than going to an amusement park with your family…standing in line for-EVER and getting on the ride to learn you don’t fit. If you can only imagine the embarrassment I felt getting off the ride with tons of people looking and staring at me. It was the worst feeling in the world. I didn’t know I was ‘that big’ and reality set in. It was time for a change! I was always tired, my feet hurt, I didn’t even want to get out of bed because I was so tired all the time. I was on the verge of needing a sleep machine at night due to being overweight. Shopping is my favorite thing to do, but shopping for clothes was a pure nightmare! The amusement park incident occurred in 2018. That is when I decided to look up Dr. Stowers to come in for a consultation. I had friends and family members that went to him with huge success and I wanted him specifically. I looked for him online but backed out of making the phone call for an appointment. I don’t know why I put if off for so long. What finally made me go for it was when I ordered a size 24W bathing suit. I was at my heaviest weight and it was time to take control of my life. Had I known then what I know now…the success I would have with bariatric surgery…I wouldn’t have waited as long as I did. That is my only regret! The journey with the Bariatric Experts was everything I could hope for in a medical team that was about to help me change my life! From help over the phone to emails to my consultation with Dr. Stowers…even the pre-op testing; each experience was rewarding, satisfying and professional with his team! I ACTUALLY HAVE ENERGY to exercise and burn endorphins! It’s true, you have energy to be more active, go walking, jogging, biking – it is literally life changing! In November of 2020 – almost 4 months after my surgery; I went back to that same amusement park and rode EVERY single ride they had to offer!

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