Patient Transformations


Corey Zimmerman

Before weight loss surgery, my life felt like a constant struggle. I couldn’t keep up with my kids, missing out on the joy of playing and being active. My weight created a distance in my marriage, affecting intimacy and leading to depression. Sleep apnea made nights restless, and joint pain was a daily companion. My
confidence was shattered, holding me back at work and in social situations. There were times I was consumed by self-loathing and shame, trapped in a cycle I couldn’t break.

Weight loss surgery wasn’t on my radar until a few weeks before I finally took the plunge. I’d always dismissed it as an extreme measure for extreme cases, and I was in denial about just how dire my own situation had become. It took a family friend sharing their inspiring transformation with Dr. Stowers to open my eyes. After researching the options and discovering my insurance would cover the procedure, the decision became surprisingly easy.

Working with your team has been an incredible experience from start to finish. The online process for checking insurance and scheduling my first consultation was seamless. Every team member I’ve
encountered, from the friendly face at reception to the knowledgeable professionals who guided me through each step, has been genuinely caring and passionate about their work. The nutrition visits were invaluable in setting me up for success, and the team’s unwavering support in navigating insurance hurdles was truly remarkable. It’s clear that this team is dedicated to helping people transform their lives.

Just five months after surgery and 90 pounds lighter, I embarked on an adventure I never thought possible: flying comfortably to a beach vacation and swimming with sharks in the open ocean. My old body and mindset would have never allowed such a thrilling experience. Now, I effortlessly keep up with my kids, enjoy rounds of golf, and simply relish being outdoors without feeling like I’m on the verge of collapse. My wife and I are closer than ever, our intimacy reignited, and her eyes light up with pride and admiration for the new me.

Start Your Transformation Today!

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