Patient Transformations


Kellie Vadala

Procedure: Gastric Sleeve

Total Weight Loss: 102 lbs

From 2012 to 2013 I had lost 60 pounds alone doing Insanity, not eating out, and cutting out alcohol and soda. I tore my ACL snowboarding and after that, I gained all the weight back. Then kept gaining once I got pregnant in 2019. I got to my highest weight of 258 the summer of 2021 and I was miserable…always exhausted and couldn’t keep up with my 2 year-old son. I was always self conscious going anywhere and only could fit into leggings, as shopping wasn’t fun for me. I’m lucky that I never had any medical problems!

November 2020 during a Friendsgiving, I threw out the idea. Then I found out my friend was going to get Sleeved in April and gave me Dr. Stowers information! I waited to see her progress and she brought me in for my first visit in June 2021. I sat on it for a while and once I realized I needed a life change, I set the surgery date for October 2021. I followed through and did it! The Bariatric Experts Team are so amazing! Everyone was super friendly and knowledgeable and made me feel welcomed and like family!
I love having energy, chasing my 2 year old son, shopping for clothes and hearing compliments about how happy and good I look.

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