You’re ready for surgery! Though the emotion about your successful outcome ahead can be exciting, it’s important that you have a true understanding of what to expect after your gastric bypass surgery.
Here, at The Bariatric Experts, you can rely on our board-certified bariatric surgeon Dr. Scott Stowers and the rest of our medical team to prepare you for what comes after your procedure.
You’ve started your new journey to a healthier life! After your surgery has been completed, we like to monitor you in the hospital for at least one night. You’ll have some soreness, but that’s completely normal.
Just because you’re home doesn’t mean you’re alone. We continue to monitor your progress and check on you frequently. Review your patient manual and all information given at Pre-Op Education Class, so it is fresh on your mind.
You might feel quite tired, so be sure to rest as much as possible over the next few weeks, though we do encourage you to walk around the house, down the street, or leisurely on the treadmill.
Make sure that you incorporate the following into your schedule:
To stay hydrated, you need to pay attention to your water intake. Work at getting fluids constantly all day to reach your fluid goal! Remember, your stomach is much smaller so you will have to work at it.
Rest is an important part of your healing. You might even find it more comfortable to lie back in a recliner if you have pain. Another option is to place pillows under your back to prop you up a bit. This can also help reduce the risk of developing heartburn.
Being active is important to promote healing and success after surgery. Do what you enjoy because that is what you will continue. Though we want you to start moving your body more, you will still have a restriction of no lifting, pushing, or pulling for 4 weeks.
You can now expect to start losing weight. Most people reach a 70% loss of excess body weight just 18 months after their surgery. Other benefits include:
Studies show that 90% of patients who have gastric bypass surgery keep at least 50% of their excess weight off.
One of the most obvious benefits is the self-confidence you begin to feel. So, you can expect your quality of life to improve!
To schedule a consultation with our expert medical staff, call (940) 577-2090 (ext. 1) to book an appointment at the office nearest you in Frisco, or Abilene, Texas. You can also use our online option for convenience. If you’d like to ask questions or address any concerns, feel free to send us an email at