Patient Transformations


Kirstin Cranor

Procedure: Gastric Sleeve

Total Weight Loss: 104 lbs

Before weight loss surgery, I was suffering from a rare brain disease that made losing weight nearly impossible. Diets and exercise only aggravated my symptoms more so they were never an option. I was miserable and so unhappy with my quality of life. My kids would beg me to be involved in things and play with them, but I was always too comfortable or worried about how I would look doing so.

I considered weight loss surgery most of my adult life after gaining the weight I could not get off. I was fearful of surgery, it not working and what people would think of me. I eventually went forward because my need for a better quality of life and joy in experiences with my kids was greater than my fear.

Working with Dr. Stowers and every person on the team has been the greatest experience I have ever had. They are so friendly, encouraging, uplifting and truly there for you. I love that they remember who I am, and can even pinpoint the last time they saw me and the progress I have made, just off their own memory, not by a chart. I love the support and help they give you, even if it’s not strictly around weight loss. They are truly an outstanding team.

The one thing I love doing now, more than anything in this world, is being present with my kids. I love getting to run around with them, jump on trampolines, act silly without worrying about what I look like, and just experiencing life with them like I never did before. All good things have come from my weight loss, but nothing will ever beat the joy on my kid’s faces as when mom joins in on the fun!

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