Patient Transformations


Ashlee Killcullen

Procedure: Gastric Sleeve

Total Weight Loss: 78 lbs

Before I had the gastric Sleeve I suffered from diabetes that resulted from obesity & pregnancy. I was insulin-dependent during pregnancy. I had high blood pressure. I couldn’t walk without being out of breath. I couldn’t sit on the floor without getting up looking like a walrus. I couldn’t play with my kids. I had to have others do activities with them when we went somewhere because I was too big & out of shape. I slept all the time. I had to take several naps a day & it interfered with working from home. I was miserable.

I decided to have weight-loss surgery about a year before I got it. I was one month out from having surgery then found out I was pregnant. I was so infertile due to obesity that my husband & I tried conceiving for 1-2 years, then found out I was pregnant the month before I was scheduled. After I was cleared post-partom I booked an appointment with The Bariatric Experts because I was so miserable & scared. I was insulin dependent during the pregnancy, had high blood pressure & had severe sleep apnea. I went to bed every night wondering if I’d leave my kids alone because I wouldn’t make it in the morning. That’s what made me schedule the appointment & just go for it!

Since the first call to The Bariatric Experts, my experience has been amazing with every single team member. The office staff, nurse, dietitian, and Dr. Stowers & his helpers are phenomenal. I will recommend this office for the rest of my life. I love visiting for my follow-ups because everyone is so uplifting, encouraging & just fun. I always want to stay to hang out & talk.
I CAN PLAY WITH MY KIDS! I can run with them, play tag, ride rides, and share a seat with them..I’m almost cr. crying typing this. I’m such a better mom & so much more involved. I’m so much more confident. I’ve always had confidence, but I’ve found a new style. My friends share clothes with me! I went from a size 24 jean to a 14 in six months. I don’t take naps all day. I’m finally living & enjoying life.

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