Patient Transformations


Kevin Martin

Procedure: Gastric Sleeve

Total Weight Loss: 72 lbs

My weight has been a struggle all of my life. My weight would yo-yo and when my weight was down, I felt happy and wanted to go out with friends and family, however, when my weight was up, I wanted to just stay home. One of my biggest struggles was that I turned to food when I was stressed, upset, bored, etc, but I got my mental health under control and needed to get my weight/health under control and become the best me I could be. My husband and I adopted our sweet twin girls at birth a little over a year ago and I gained so much weight throughout that process, but I knew I couldn’t go down the path of nonstop weight gain, so I turned to The Bariatric Experts for the tools I needed to become successful with my weight loss.

Weight Loss Surgery is something I looked into off and on for many years, but never moved forward with anything because, in my head, I wasn’t at that point yet. I would say to my husband all the time “How much more weight do I need to gain so that I can have surgery?” He could see I was struggling with my weight and how unhappy I was. He did some research and found The Bariatric Experts and sent me the information. I looked at it off and on for a few months and finally one day I stopped what I was doing and decided to send an email and shared part of my story. Shortly after that day I was meeting with the AMAZING staff and scheduling my surgery date! I had this gut feeling that this was the answer I was hoping for and that could turn my life around, so that I could enjoy life with my daughters, and that gut feeling was right! This was the best decision I could have made for myself and my family!

From the day that I reached out and started sharing my story to now, has been nothing short of AMAZING! The team is so friendly and makes you feel so welcome from the moment you walk in the door. They truly care about you as a person and want to be successful!

You can feel the support from everyone, and they all have a smile on their face. It is more of a family rather than a doctor’s office. Without them, I wouldn’t be the person I am now and enjoying my life with my family! You will never regret your decision to reach out to The Bariatric Experts! Life after weight loss surgery has been AMAZING! Being able to get on the floor and run around with my twin daughters has been so life-changing for me.

I used to struggle to get up and down and run around and play. Now I don’t even have to think about it, I just do it. Having this surgery has given me my life back, almost like a second chance at life. Playing with my daughters has been the highlight of my weight loss surgery journey, but shopping for new clothes has been so much fun. I am learning my new sizes and enjoying shopping in the smaller sizes now! Going from an XL to a Small in some things and not even being a year out has put a huge smile on my face! Life now is the life I have wanted for so many years and I can’t wait to continue to live my life as this version of me!

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