Patient Transformations


Karen Milton

Procedure: Gastric Bypass

Total Weight Loss: 116 lbs

My life before weight loss surgery was pathetic. I just kept gaining no matter what I did. I couldn’t cross my legs, walk very far, and had trouble even wiping my butt! I’ve had 10 spine surgeries and didn’t have a weight problem before that. However, the more weight I gained made the pain in my back increasingly worse. I had to take medical retirement at the age of 53. I hated everything about myself.

I previously had gastric Sleeve surgery which worked for a while. But my system needed more help. So I had the full Bypass surgery and a hernia repair. I just hate being fat and I wanted to be myself again.

It was great working with the Bariatric Experts team! Everyone is so friendly and helpful. I knew I could always call them with questions and get help immediately. I’m 6 months out now and I’ve lost 60 pounds. I still have a way to go but I’m proud of what we’ve done and of how my looks have changed. I have more energy and can do all the things I earlier said I couldn’t do.

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