Patient Transformations


Jackie Randle

Procedure: Gastric Sleeve

Total Weight Loss: 85 lbs

My weight had caused me to have pain in my feet and legs on a daily basis. I had zero energy and little drive to do more than what had to be done each day. I had been on blood pressure medicine for a few years and had just tested as pre diabetic prior to my consult with Dr. Stowers. I was interested in surgery for several years. I was hesitant because I felt like I should be able to loose weight on my own. My husband was nervous about possible post-op issues, but I was sick of feeling worn out all the time and had to have help to achieve my goals. I have always been treated like I was the most important patient to each one of the staff members. I am proud to have my photo taken today and I refused to be in photos before! I feel incredible and I look good!

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