Patient Transformations


Pam Keith

Procedure: Gastric Sleeve

Total Weight Loss: 169 lbs

Before surgery, I felt trapped in a huge body struggling to get around and dreading going out in public. I had no energy lots of depression and feeling helpless. I tried so many different diets and failed at them all. I had high blood pressure, taking meds for depression. Lots of ibuprofen because of the pain in my legs when I stood. Working with The Bariatric Experts was amazing! From the start they made me feel comfortable and confident in my decision! I knew I was in good hands!

I have a whole new healthier lifestyle! I have so much more energy. No more blood pressure meds or tons of pain meds. I’m not ashamed to go out in public and when I do I don’t have to wait longer for a table because I can now fit in a booth! I can spend more time making memories with my 2 grandsons! I’m almost able to walk without my cane! I feel like I have a whole new life and I’m living my best life!!

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