Patient Transformations


Sydney Petrea

Procedure: Gastric Sleeve

Total Weight Loss: 129 lbs

Before surgery, I always wanted to be active with my kiddos, but my weight kept me from being able to do that. I wasn’t able to go on walks with them because I would get so tired and worn out from walking as little as 300 feet.

I couldn’t get up off the couch quick enough if one of the kids got hurt and I was just miserable all of the time. I also had trouble doing basic things like breathing or taking care of things around the house, which made me feel so down on myself. I hated looking at myself in the mirror but wanted to eat to mask the miserableness of being overweight, and tired. I had considered having weight loss surgery probably about 5 years before I took the plunge. I had considered it after my second baby. But chose to hold off, as I didn’t feel I had the support I wanted. I had a third child and put on almost 100 pounds after having her. At that point, I decided that the only support I needed was from my husband. And he supported me 100%.
I had the best experience. I have no negative comments whatsoever. So easy, and the office staff and Dr. Stowers were the most friendly people I have ever encountered in the medical field. I drive over an hour and a half to get to the office, and I would do it over in a heartbeat to use The Bariatric Experts again!

I absolutely love that I am able to be more active with my kids. I can run with them in the yard and in the street when going on walks. I love that I want to be more involved with the family in doing things outside of the home! We have gone on trips and done different things that we used to not do before.

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