Category: Wellness

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Boosting Your Immune System

Posted on Monday March 30, 2020 | Uncategorized, Wellness

Many people rely upon supplements to build their immune system. A lot of these supplements do provide vitamins and minerals and can help strengthen the immune system. However, absorbing these nutrients from natural sources proves to be the best way to boost overall health. Ultimately, diet is an essential way of building immunity when it comes to […]

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March is National Nutrition Month

Posted on Wednesday March 11, 2020 | Uncategorized, Wellness

March is National Nutrition Month, and it is a time for individuals to recognize how important it is to eat healthily and exercise regularly. Nutrition is essential because food is what provides the body with the energy and nutrients necessary to live a healthy life. Managing proper nutrition is also required for maintaining a healthy weight. […]

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National Eating Disorders Awareness Week

Posted on Thursday February 20, 2020 | Obesity, Uncategorized, Wellness

Now more than ever, society seems to put a lot of pressure on individuals to maintain a particular physical image. There is so much pressure that some people resort to starving themselves to fit in. From February 24th through March 1st, the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) would like to spread awareness about the psychological disorders that […]

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Sleep and Weight Gain

Posted on Thursday February 13, 2020 | Obesity, Uncategorized, Wellness

Losing weight can be difficult. Consistently sticking to a healthy diet and having a regular exercise regimen doesn’t always come as second nature to some people. But diet and exercise aren’t the only things that need attention for weight loss. Many people argue that the most important thing someone can do to keep a healthy […]

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Sugar and Diabetes

Posted on Tuesday January 28, 2020 | Uncategorized, Wellness

For years, people have touted the widely popular theory that sugar can cause diabetes types one and two. While the United States has seen diabetes cases rise dramatically from 1990 through 2010 (cases have tripled), the link between the disease and sugar consumption isn’t valid. The fact is, obesity is one of the biggest causes of diabetes, and sugar […]

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