Category: Weight Loss

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Will Medical Weight Loss Help Me in My Weight Loss Journey?

Posted on Wednesday June 30, 2021 | Obesity, Weight Loss

Did you know that almost 37% of American adults are obese and close to 33% are overweight? Obesity and being overweight can lead to serious health issues when ignored.We understand that losing weight on your own can be difficult. That’s why we suggest a medical weight loss plan. It can give you the support you need and help you […]

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overweight woman consulting with doctor

Can a Gastric Sleeve Surgery Improve Your Energy?

Posted on Wednesday May 26, 2021 | Gastric Sleeve, Obesity, Weight Loss

Being overweight can affect your body negatively in many ways. However, when you make the choice to lose weight and take action, the end result can greatly benefit your health.If you have a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher, or if your BMI is between 35 and 39 and you have health issues related to […]

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Am I a Good Candidate for Gastric Bypass?

Posted on Saturday May 1, 2021 | Bariatric Surgery, Gastric Bypass, Obesity, Weight Loss

People who are obese, as in those who have a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or more, are at increased risk for many serious health conditions, including: High blood pressure High LDL (bad) and low HDL (good) cholesterol High triglyceride levels Type 2 diabetes Coronary artery disease Vein disease Gallbladder disease Stroke Mental illness Osteoarthritis […]

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Restaurant Healthy Dining Tips

Posted on Saturday December 7, 2019 | Uncategorized, Weight Loss, Wellness

During the holidays, dining in restaurants is fun, sociable, and it gives us a break from the kitchen. However, eating out in a restaurant can negatively influence a person’s diet. Studies suggest that people are more likely to steer from their diets and make poor food choices at restaurants. They also show people are prone […]

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Holiday Weight Gain

Posted on Monday November 25, 2019 | Obesity, Weight Loss

During the holidays, it is even more challenging to focus on weight loss goals. Some may see the fall and winter seasons as their reward time after slimming down for the summer, so they loosen up their diet and exercise plans. Add in the unhealthy foods which are typically served at big family feasts during the […]

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