Category: Weight Loss Resources

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Staying Weight Loss Motivated

Posted on Tuesday December 12, 2017 | Weight Loss, Weight Loss Resources

Weight Loss Motivation Tips for When You Feel Like Giving Up Weight loss is not only a journey, it is a challenge. With the right mentality and support, your goals to live a healthier happier lifestyle are within reach. There will be many factors that can potentially discourage you from weight loss success. In times […]

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Thanksgiving Diet Tips

Posted on Wednesday November 8, 2017 | Healthy Diet, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Resources

The Holidays are lurking like The Grinch waiting for his chance to steal the Roast Beast! It’s wise to plan ahead and avoid the potential for holiday weight gain. Even after having weight loss surgery,Thanksgiving Diet temptations are everywhere. It’s not easy when there are cookies at the office, holiday party buffets every weekend, and neighbors with home […]

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