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Restaurant Healthy Dining Tips

Posted on Saturday December 7, 2019 | Uncategorized, Weight Loss, Wellness

During the holidays, dining in restaurants is fun, sociable, and it gives us a break from the kitchen. However, eating out in a restaurant can negatively influence a person’s diet. Studies suggest that people are more likely to steer from their diets and make poor food choices at restaurants. They also show people are prone […]

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Weight Loss Supplement Risks

Posted on Thursday September 5, 2019 | Uncategorized, Weight Loss

Some people who are seeking to quickly drop pounds will turn to weight loss pills or over the counter weight loss supplements to get the ball rolling. Taking healthy dietary supplements is considered to be a simple, sensible lifestyle change that is easy and cost-effective, however, the key word is HEALTHY. There are a variety […]

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Bariatric Lab Tests

Posted on Thursday June 6, 2019 | Bariatric Surgery, Uncategorized, Wellness

It is natural for patients to want to know everything they can before and after weight loss surgery, so their surgeon will make sure to provide the necessary information for these procedures. Part of the process is having appropriate lab testing done before the surgery, and to continue utilizing the lab tests to monitor the […]

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Medical Tourism

Posted on Sunday March 3, 2019 | Uncategorized

Medical tourism refers to people traveling to a country other than their own to obtain medical treatment. Recently, traveling out of the United States for weight loss surgery has become a topic for discussion. Some patients are willing to take this chance in hopes of lower prices for a procedure to help them lose weight and […]

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Gestational Diabetes

Posted on Tuesday October 30, 2018 | Obesity, Uncategorized

What is Gestational Diabetes?November is National Diabetes Month, and NIDDK (The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease) has chosen “Promoting Health After Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)” as their theme for 2018. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus is diabetes in women which occurs during pregnancy and is defined as a “carbohydrate intolerance leading to hyperglycemia with onset or first […]

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