Category: Obesity

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Sleep and Weight Gain

Posted on Thursday February 13, 2020 | Obesity, Uncategorized, Wellness

Losing weight can be difficult. Consistently sticking to a healthy diet and having a regular exercise regimen doesn’t always come as second nature to some people. But diet and exercise aren’t the only things that need attention for weight loss. Many people argue that the most important thing someone can do to keep a healthy […]

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Holiday Weight Gain

Posted on Monday November 25, 2019 | Obesity, Weight Loss

During the holidays, it is even more challenging to focus on weight loss goals. Some may see the fall and winter seasons as their reward time after slimming down for the summer, so they loosen up their diet and exercise plans. Add in the unhealthy foods which are typically served at big family feasts during the […]

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Inflammation and Weight Gain

Posted on Thursday November 14, 2019 | Obesity, Wellness

People sometimes find that despite dieting, exercise, and commitment to losing weight, the results are less than desired. In these cases, the problem may be inflammation. White blood cells produce substances that battle viral and bacterial infections in the body. The result is called inflammation, and it also hinders weight loss efforts. Reducing inflammation is essential […]

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Symptoms of Obesity

Posted on Sunday September 29, 2019 | Obesity

Obesity in America has been on the rise for decades. It is responsible for many dangerous health conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. Doctors diagnose obesity by using the body mass index (BMI), which is essentially a calculation using a person’s height and weight as variables. Doctors will determine if someone is overweight based […]

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Obesity and Chronic Pain

Posted on Monday July 1, 2019 | Obesity

As if there weren’t enough reasons to lose weight, consider the fact that, from mild to severe, people struggling with obesity are also suffering from the ongoing physical pain that comes with it. Excess weight is something that the body has to carry 24 hours a day, and many people aren’t able to physically adapt […]

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