Category: Healthy Diet

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Reach Your Protein Goals

Posted on Friday April 20, 2018 | Healthy Diet, Wellness

Why Our Bodies Need Protein Protein is essential after weight loss surgery and plays a critical role in the body. It is a requirement! The body does NOT store protein, and therefore has no reservoir to draw on when it needs a new supply. How Protein Helps the Body Protein is a vital component of every cell […]

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Spring Veggies are Here!

Posted on Tuesday April 10, 2018 | Healthy Diet

AvocadosThese green Tex-Mex favorites are nutrient dense in many vitamins and minerals including vitamin B6, C, and potassium. They also contain healthy fats. One serving is ¼ of an avocado, which provides 60 calories – so enjoy these in moderation!Store cut avocados with the pit inside, and coat it with olive oil or lemon juice […]

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Why Buy from a local Farmers Market?

Posted on Wednesday March 21, 2018 | Healthy Diet, Uncategorized

Why Buy from a local Farmers Market?Each year, March is designated as National Nutrition Month. This year’s motto for National Nutrition Month 2018 is “Go Further With food.” This means making our best effort to achieve the numerous benefits of healthy eating habits, choose the right foods and help reduce food waste. Since March 20th was […]

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Eating Clean for Weight Loss

Posted on Tuesday February 20, 2018 | Healthy Diet, Weight Loss, Wellness

Eating Clean for Weight Loss These days, it is next to impossible to walk past a magazine rack in the grocery store without reading headlines promoting articles about Clean Eating and Clean Living. Caloric intake should still be watched, even when eating clean. However, this nutrition option is a helpful path toward achieving healthy weight loss and for avoiding harmful additives […]

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Diet vs Lifestyle Change

Posted on Tuesday December 12, 2017 | Healthy Diet, Wellness

The Difference Between a Diet and a Lifestyle ChangeDieting is when one temporarily changes eating habits to promote weight loss. On the contrary, a lifestyle change is when someone adopts healthy overall habits which encourage long-term weight control and consistent health. In addition, diets focus on food intake, while lifestyle changes help to manage weight […]

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