What to Expect After Gastric Bypass Surgery
You’re ready for surgery! Though the emotion about your successful outcome ahead can be exciting, it’s important that you have a true understanding of what to expect after your gastric bypass surgery.Here, at The Bariatric Experts, you can rely on our board-certified bariatric surgeon Dr. Scott Stowers and the rest of our medical team to prepare you for what […]
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Am I a Good Candidate for Gastric Bypass?
People who are obese, as in those who have a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or more, are at increased risk for many serious health conditions, including: High blood pressure High LDL (bad) and low HDL (good) cholesterol High triglyceride levels Type 2 diabetes Coronary artery disease Vein disease Gallbladder disease Stroke Mental illness Osteoarthritis […]
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