Are You Considering Removing Your Gastric Band?

Home Blog Are You Considering Removing Your Gastric Band?
cheerful plus size woman Posted on Friday April 1, 2022 | Bariatric Surgery, Lap Band Removal

When you had your gastric band surgery, you probably noticed immediate changes. The procedure created an adjustable small pouch above your stomach to lessen your food intake. But you may be thinking you’d like to have it removed.

Board-certified bariatric surgeon Dr. Scott Stowers has over 25 years performing bariatric surgery. Because some patients can experience complications after receiving gastric band surgery, Dr. Stowers offers gastric band removal and revision options.

While you’re navigating through this time of working to lose weight, we work together as a team at The Bariatric Experts to give you the best results and to improve your health. Though gastric band surgery has a track record of helping people lose about 35-45% of the excess pounds they’re carrying, there may be reasons to have it taken out. Let’s talk about those.

Reasons for gastric band removal

Though your lap band is meant to remain in place indefinitely, you can choose to have it removed for various reasons.

Removal might be necessary if you experience:

  • Intolerance of the band
  • Food intolerance
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Band slippage
  • Band erosion
  • Port infection
  • Ongoing heartburn

Oddly enough, even though your stomach is adjusted to only hold about an ounce of food after your gastric band surgery, you can experience weight loss in the beginning, but then regain it shortly after and possibly end up gaining even more weight.

For these reasons, you might consider gastric band removal. Dr. Stowers compassionately assesses your situation to help determine if this is the right move for you.

What to expect if you have your gastric band removed

After your procedure, be prepared for your stomach to return to its normal size. Now that the restriction of the band has been released, smaller amounts of food won’t be as satisfying to you.

As you know, when you eat bigger meals, you can gain weight, so you’ll need to watch your portion sizes. We highly recommend patients consider a revision in addition to lap band removal.

The gastric band removal procedure

Before your gastric band removal, Dr. Stowers discusses other procedures with you for which you might be a candidate and that might prove to be more successful. Most lap band removals and revision surgeries can happen at the same time.

To remove your gastric band, Dr. Stowers typically goes back in through the incisions he made during your original gastric band surgery. He uses laparoscopic instruments to remove the band and can then perform a sleeve gastrectomy or gastric bypass surgery. You can also opt to have a revision three to six months after your gastric band removal.

To find out if gastric band removal is right for you, or to consider other bariatric procedures along with a band removal, schedule a consultation at one of our offices in Frisco, or Abilene, Texas. You can reach us by phone at 940-577-2090, or email us at You can also inquire about a telemedicine appointment if that is more convenient for you!